Friday, April 5, 2013

Psychos at Work?!

Keats, Jonathon. "Caution: Psychos at Work." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, 14 June 2006. Web. 05 Apr. 2013.

This article was about how many psychopaths are bettter businessmen than your regular average joe.  The reasoning behind it, has to do with the characteristics that psychopaths posses.  At times, the business world can be very viscious, and psychopaths are more will to take risks and strive in that cutthorat environment.  But you cannot just look at a person and call them a psychopath becuase that is simply unreasonable; a casual diagnosis is impossible.

After reading this I am not really surprised.  I don't know if it's just how psychopaths are portrayed in the movies and on tv shows, but psychopaths are very charasmatic people, who are usually very organized and generally show little to no emotion.  Plus like the article said, they are able to take more risks because that is just how they are wired.  It is truely impossible to tell if someone is a psychopath just by looking at them because they appear to be so normal.  Which gets me thinking; if they don't look any different than you and I, then what is wrong with them mentally that would make them want to do what they do?   

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